What Is A Collective Agreement (CA)
A collective agreement is the formal employment agreement ratified (voted on and accepted) by union members and signed by the union and employer after collective bargaining. The agreement sets the terms and conditions ( e.g Sick leave, annual leave entitlements) of employment of union members whose work comes within the coverage clause of the agreement.
What Is a Individual Employment agreement (IA)
An individual employment agreement covers one employee and one employer.
They can be used when:
there’s no collective agreement that covers your job, or
there is a collective agreement but you’re not a member of the relevant union and don’t want to join the union.
What Is Bargaining?
Bargaining is when your pay rates and your terms and conditions are discussed with your employer commonly with the purpose of getting an increase in pay rates and terms and conditions.
If you are with NUPE, you will be covered by the NUPE CEA and we will negotiate these terms and conditions. If you have questions about your collective, do contact your organiser.
A Collective agreement can vary in length but will not be more than 3 years long, so bargaining occurs every couple of years.
At bargaining the Union on your behalf will present claims ( things we want in your employment agreement) to the employer .
Who attends bargaining:
The Union team will consist of a NUPE Union organiser and a delegate or delegates. Delegates are union members who have been nominated to be a delegate and hopefully will have attended delegate training. Delegates with the organiser will be your voice at the bargaining table.
Members will be kept up to date and will vote to accept or reject an offer from bargaining